Felix Kwakye Ofosu, the spokesperson for the John Dramani Mahama Transition Team, has confirmed that ten heads of state will attend the inauguration ceremony of President-elect John Dramani Mahama, which is set for Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at Accra's Black Star Square.
Speaking to reporters in Accra, Mr. Ofosu said that members from international organizations including the African Development Bank and the Commonwealth, two previous presidents, the speaker of parliament, and two vice presidents will also be there.
Parliament's meeting will have to be moved to Black Star Square because the inauguration will also involve a parliamentary session.
Plans are in place to make sure everything goes off without a hitch and safely, and only those invited will be able to enter the legislative session.
He said he was confident in the plans and that the ceremony would be a chance to emphasize Ghana's dedication to democracy and peaceful handovers of power.
He informed guests and members of the public that only those who can show their invitation cards will be allowed admittance to the swearing-in area.
"All guests and members of the public are reminded that they will not be permitted to access the swearing-in area and cannot do so without presenting their invitation cards," Mr. Ofosu stated.
By 8:30 a.m., guests should be seated, and members of parliament and other invited dignitaries will arrive shortly after. The presidential and vice presidential candidates will then be escorted by the speaker to the chamber, where formal proceedings will start at 11:00.
The temporary closure of some Accra highways for the occasion was another point made by Mr. Ofosu. These routes are the Castle Road from AU Circle to Osu Cemetery Traffic Light, the 28th February Road from CEPS Headquarters to the Castle Road Junction, and Starlet 91 Road. Following the conclusion of the ceremony, they will be reopened.
Furthermore, traffic from La, Labone, and Osu that is traveling to the Central Business District will be diverted to the Castle Traffic Light, where it will merge with Oxford Street at the Salem Avenue Traffic Light. In a similar manner, traffic heading into Black Star Square from John Evans Atta Mills High Street will be rerouted.
The rear of the Independence Arch, the State House's forecourt, Access Bank Parking, Osu Cemetery Parking, Ministry Areas, Ministry of Food and Agriculture Parking, Marine Drive Football Park, and Efua Sutherland Parking are the parking lots that have been set aside for the celebration.
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